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Surdex Project Managers

Keeping Your Project Moving Forward: Surdex’s Project Managers

Surdex’s Project Management staff oversees the day-to-day production and schedules of our current mapping projects. They have kick-off meetings internally to make sure our production staff understands upcoming projects, and kick-off meetings with clients to make sure everyone is on the same page before we commence acquisition.

From that point forward, project managers keep clients updated on project progress and coordinate with clients and operations staff to guarantee that all client needs are met. Our four Project Mangers report to the Director of Project Management, Wade Williams, who has been with Surdex for 25 years.

When asked about the most rewarding part of working in Project Management, Senior Project Manager Cornell Rowan said, “the real reward is being able to communicate with the client and the internal production team to complete projects on schedule and correct the first time.” Wade says, “it’s great when I’m able to meet with our clients and hear how appreciative they are for all the hard work we put into every project.”

Shown here (left to right): Adam Hoffman, Project Manager; Colby Forke, Director of Image Processing; and Wade Williams, Director of Project Management, attending a conference.

Read more about Surdex’s Project Management here: https://www.surdex.com/download/2397/