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A tug tows an aircraft out of Surdex's hangar.

Our Large Fleet Keeps Your Project on Track!

There are several resources that enable Surdex to acquire project data on schedule. One of the keys to this success is our fleet of aircraft. Surdex owns 10 aircraft, which are collectively able to host all of our imagery and lidar sensors. Our fleet includes 4 twin-turbine Cessna 441 (Conquest) pressurized aircraft. These aircraft are critical for projects that are far away and/or cover a large area.

The remainder of the fleet are twin-piston and single-piston aircraft that are ideal for other types of collection. We also have our own aircraft mechanics who perform maintenance, inspections and repairs and ensure all FAA regulations are followed. Having this fleet of aircraft and support staff enables us to keep our aircraft in the air, taking advantage of clear acquisition conditions.