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Surdex aircraft maintenance

Aircraft and Facilities Maintenance Staff

Surdex’s in-house Aircraft and Facilities Maintenance staff ensure compliance with all FAA regulations and make sure that our eleven aircraft and other equipment are functioning properly. They work at our hangar, down the street from our main office, although sometimes the A&P (Aircraft and Powerplant) Mechanics are called out to our field acquisition locations to perform maintenance and repairs as needed. In addition to repairing our aircraft, our A&P Mechanics also conduct FAA mandated inspections. They report to The Director of Aircraft Maintenance, Kevin Manahan, who has 40 years of experience. Our Facility and Purchasing Manager, Amanda Adams, is responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment at our office and hangar.

When asked what are the maintenance staff’s favorite tasks, Kevin replied, “Our mechanics individually have a unique set of skills that they perform that makes a solid team effort such as engine changes, structural fabrication and problem solving tasks.”