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Department Focus: Orthoimagery

The Orthoimagery (Ortho) department performs raw imagery and lidar data downloading, image inspection, and image processing tasks. Our Ortho department is headed by the Director of Image Processing, Colby Forke, who has been with Surdex for 19 years. The department consists of an Ortho Product Leader, Ortho Technology Engineer III, and 6 Ortho Analysts and Technicians. We asked the ortho group what their favorite ortho production task is and here are a couple of their responses:

Blake Smalling: I enjoy data archiving the most because it means we are officially done with a project and can clear more space on our servers. It’s a good feeling to finish a project you were working on.

Katie Buchok: My favorite task is probably color correction. There is an artistry to it that appeals to me.