Flooding Imagery in Three Days
Over the past couple of years, Surdex has completed numerous disaster mapping projects for flooding and post-tornado orthoimagery. This spring and summer, we completed five river flooding projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in St. Louis. These projects included a total of approximately 12,000 square miles of 1’ GSD orthoimagery of portions of the Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois and Arkansas rivers. Our specialized disaster mapping workflow enabled Surdex to post minimally processed imagery to a web service within 3 days of acquisition for these projects. This data enabled enhanced assessment of flood damage by civil authorities and first responders.
Check out one of our USACE flooding projects here:
(Missouri River from Northwestern Missouri to St. Louis, Missouri)
*NOTE: disaster mapping imagery is flown under relaxed acquisition conditions and therefore does not meet standard orthoimagery quality specifications