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Image Resolution Table

Selecting the Resolution for your Project

Selecting the imagery resolution is a critical decision for orthoimagery project design. Your project goals and budget are the main factors that will determine the proper resolution. As you review your goals, you must consider any project partners’ needs as well as the end-users and their intended uses for the imagery.

County assessors intending to perform tax assessment will probably need a different resolution than a sewer district seeking to map storm drains. In some cases, you may want to split your project area into different resolutions—for example, urban areas could be acquired at a higher resolution than rural areas. Surdex has developed and refined a successful process for projects with multiple resolutions that results in one seamless project.

Click here to see sample digital orthoimagery at varied resolutions to compare what you can see.

For more information on this topic, download this article on selecting the right resolution.