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Sensor Operator


One of the major contributors to Surdex’s success is our cross-training of staff. This ensures that when one production group has a significantly higher workload, we can move staff from another group accordingly so there isn’t a backup in production. When asked about the benefits of cross-training, Surdex’s Director of Image Processing said:

“Professional growth, value and redundancy are all great aspects of cross-training.   At Surdex we are always looking for ways to cross-train team members.  The Ortho and 3D Mapping departments collaborate to train team members when assistance is needed to meet delivery deadlines. This collaboration allows Analysts and Technicians to learn other geospatial processes. This training leads to professional growth and redundancy which makes the Surdex team much more valuable.”

To read more about cross training at Surdex, check out our “Cross Training” flier: https://www.surdex.com/download/2407/

Surdex ortho technician Michael Grodek out in the field as a sensor operator.